Dial M For Murder sind David und Andy aus Schweden. Im August erschien ihr großartiges Debütalbum “ Fiction Of Her Dreams” auf Tapete Records. Die roh produzierten Songs auf der Platte sorgen durch ihre subtile Zerrissenheit genau für den “thrilling moment” à la Hitchcock. Live erleben kann man Dial M for Murder am Sonntag, den 22. November im Ponyhof in Frankfurt am Main. Dort wird die Bedroomdisco ürbigens David und Andy nochmal persönlich zum Interview treffen. UND soviel sei verraten, das Konzert wird an diesem Blog auch im Nachhinein nicht spurlos vorbeigehen! Seid also gespannt. Jetzt aber erstmal das Bedroomdisco Interview mit Dial M For Murder!
1.) Band Facts
Name: Dial M for Murder!
Band members + nicknames: David & Andy
Founding year: 2007
Residence: We move around lot. Right now Andy lives in Stockholm and David lives in Malmö.
Current album: Fiction of her dreams (Tapete)
2.) Questionnaire:
What is the story behind your band name?
We get a lot of inspiration from Hitchcock. So first of all we thought of „The Birds“, which is one of our favourite movies. But it was a bit to similar to the well known band „The Byrds“. So instead we borrowed the name from another great Hitchcock movie. Dial M for Murder.
How did you become a band?
We met during summer 2007 and decided to form a band. We used the autumn to get inspiration and and did not touch our instruments until we recorded our first demo during winter 07/08.
How would you describe the style of your music?
David: I dont know really? What do you think?
Andy: Swemo! (swedish emo)
Which musical influences did you have when writing this album?
David: Hmm. Nothing really. My own thoughts and feelings mostly.
Andy: None
Is it right that you recorded your album mainly at night?
It is easier to concentrate at night when there’s not that many people around you. And I guess the true feelings come out at night!?
Which song on the album does personally mean most to you?
Everyone is very personal to us.
Because it comes straight from our hearts…
If you are not making music, what are you doing?
Reading or writing probably. Or drinking…
3 top albums of 2009?
David: I don’t know, probably our own album. I’m not very updated on new releases actually…
1. Fever Ray – Fever Ray
2. Pete Doherty – Gracelands/Wastelands
3. Little Joy- Little Joy
David: I don’t know. I guess Andy is the most updated one in this band?
Andy: You just need to listen to them, and you will understand…
3 Top albums of the last decade?
1.The Raveonettes – Whip it on
2.The Knife – Silent shout
3.New Young Pony Club – Fantastic playroom
David: They give me that great feeling.
What did you learn 2009?
David: I don’t remember anymore.
Your best personal experience in 2009?
David: being on tour last spring was very nice.
Andy: when david took care of me when I had my crisis?
Your plans for 2010?
Write and record new music!
What’s on your rider?
Wine. Lot’s of wine! I don’t know if there is anything else? Beer?
What do you associate with Bedroomdisco?
Nothing, yet!
Who did fill out this questionnaire?
David and Andy a.k.a Dial M for Murder!
Thanks a lot to David and Andy from Dial M For Murder!
Dial M For Murder – Oh No!