Eines unserer Ziele ist es neuen Bands eine Plattform zu geben, sich zu präsentieren, bzw. Musik, die wir lieben, die Möglichkeit zu geben ein Publikum zu finden. Und diese Mission verfolgen wir heute wieder in unserem Bedroomdisco Adventskalender.
Um den nächsten heißen Scheiß zu finden lesen wir zumeist nicht im Kaffeesatz oder suchen Nummern der örtlichen Wahrsager in den Gelben Seiten. Wie man dann auf Bands stößt unterscheidet sich dann jedoch stark. Manchmal fällt ein Bandname in einem Gespräch und man denkt sich: „Hört sich interessant an…mal schauen“. Tage oder Wochen später stößt man dann zufällig wieder über den Namen und dann kommt einem das Internet zu Hilfe. Damit ihr auch auf dem neusten Stand seid über eine der nächsten heißen Sachen, gibt es jetzt und hier ein Interview mit Fanfarlo aus London, deren Album „Reservoir“ so große Wellen schlägt, dass sie selbst ohne Albumveröffentlichung demnächst in Deutschland unterwegs sein werden – also Augen auf! Augen auf könnte euch auch jetzt beim Lesen des Interviews helfen…
1.) Band facts
– Name: Fanfarlo
– Band members: Simon, Amos, Cathy, Leon and Justin
– Founding year: 2006
– Residence: London
– Current album: „Reservoir“
2.) Questionnaire:
– How did you become a band?
Fanfarlo started as a recording project back in Sweden. I moved to London and started playing shows with people I met at clubs and shows. In fact a few of the current members are people who came to early shows to see us play and then joined the band. The band has now more or less stabilised although the last few tours have been with different guitarists.
– How did you come up with your band name, which meaning has it for you?
I was reading a lot of French symbolists at the time and happened upon a novella by Baudelaire called La Fanfarlo – the name sort of stuck. We like how it is sort of language-ambiguous, sounds like ‘fanfare’ and is a reminder of a time of debauched French intellectuals. We definitely subscribe to that marriage of brain and body.
– How would you describe your musical style?
We prefer to leave the genre discussion to critics and let people listen to the music and make up their own minds.
– Which musical influences do you have?
At the moment I’m listening a lot to Springsteen’s Nebraska, Thee Oh Sees and Alan Lomax field recordings. In The Aeroplane Over The Sea and Hallelujah All The Way Home are two of my all time favourite albums.
– What are you as a band/musician doing at the moment?
We are currently driving across America on a mammoth tour, so we get up to all sorts. In fact we keep a tour diary on fanfarlo.com so you can read all about it there.
– With which person would you like to work together and why?
Sufjan Stevens and David Byrne would be two obvious candidates. They are both geniuses.
– Could you tell a bit how the production of your debut „Reservoir“ took place?
We went over for six weeks to Peter Katis’s house in a small town in Connecticut and recorded it in his attic on his crazy vintage gear and obscure organs. We are really big on the recording part of music so it was an incredible experience.
– What would you say: Which influence should a producer have on a record?
This completely depends on the band, the producer and the music. In our case, we were six very opinionated people with very varying degrees of recording experience, so it was great to have a fatherly figure who could make sure things were moving forward. But in general I’d say it’s the same role a film director has, it’s about getting the best performance out of everyone and make sure it’s captured in a way that stays true to the vision.
– One of our favourite songs is „Comets“ – could you tell how it was done, what it is about and how you did come up with the lyrics?
I prefer letting people read their own story into our songs, but it definitely has to do with the sense of impending doom you find in the city.
– You released the album yourself – what were the reasons for that?
It made sense at the time. Labels ask for a pretty big piece of the pie these days, and a lot of that stuff you can do yourself.
– Until July 2009 it was possible to download the album for 1$ – what was the idea behind this and looking back – do you think this was a success?
It was just a way of getting lots of people to hear the record. It was kind of for the hell of it, but it definitely worked out.
– Your video for „The Walls Are Coming Down“ shows a performance of escape artist Roslyn Walker – how did this idea come up and did you ask him how he does it?
Both us and our friends who directed the video are really into Harry Houdini, and in a sense the song is about escapism, so it makes for a literal take on that.
– In 2010 you will also tour Germany – what are your expectations, as your album is not properly (just as import) released here yet?
We have been getting a lot of emails the last year or so from people in Germany asking us to come over, so it’s going to be exciting to finally get our arses over there.
– 3 top albums 2009? Why?
First ones that come to mind are Dirty Projector’s Bitte Orca, Bill Callahan’s Sometimes I Wish We Were an Eagle and Micachu’s Jewels – all great and interesting albums.
– What did you learn 2009?
How to survive on tour in America.
– Your best personal experience in 2009?
– Your plans for 2010?
More touring. Hopefully some recording as well.
– What’s on your rider?
Soy milk and peanut butter.
– What do you associate with Bedroomdisco?
My favourite pastime.
– Who did fill out this questionnaire?
Simon Balthazar
Thank you very much, Simon! Hope to see you all soon in Germany!