SCANNERS – Interview

Die Scanners sind hierzulande vielleicht noch etwas unbekannt, aber allein die Tatsache, dass sie in Amerika auf Steve Aokis DimMak Label sind spricht schon für Qualität. Im November waren die vier Briten dann auf deutschen Bühnen als Anheizer für Juilette Lewis unterwegs und konnten dort viele neue Freunde finden. Mittlerweile ist wieder etwas Ruhe eingekehrt, was die Band sicherlich freut stehen doch aufregende Tage bevor, denn das zweite Album “Submarine” kommt zumindest in England Ende Januar in die Läden. Für Deutschland gibt es noch kein Veröffentlichungsdatum und es bleibt zu hoffen, dass wir nicht wieder so lange warten müssen, wie beim Debüt “Violence Is Golden” (unsere Kritik gibt es hier). Aber nun gibt es hier erstmal ein Interview mit der Band:

1.) Band facts

Name: Scanners
Band members: Sarah, Matt, Amina, Tom
Founding year: 2004
Residence: London
Current album: Violence is golden, Submarine

2.) Questionnaire:

How did you come up with your band name?
David Cronenburg film
How did you become a band?
Started playing music together and liking it…
In your concerts you are changing a few times the instruments – how many instruments do you handle?
We are all multi instrumentalists. In England there is a saying about being a ‘Jack of all trades and a master of none’. That could probably apply here!
What are your parents saying about your music? Are they listening to it and visiting concerts?
They are not allowed!
How would you describe your musical style?
Make up your own mind!
Which musical influences do you have?
Lots, from classical through to punk with stops at about every musical genre in between. I would say that the only music we dont like is shit music!
You are on the DimMak label and it’s common that there are a lot of great indie bands. How did you get in contact with Steve Aoki?
He contacted us after hearing one of our songs on the internet!
How did it happen that great artists like A-Trak and L.A.Riots remix your songs?
Cos we asked them nicely…
With which person would you like to work together in general and why?
Prince, David Bowie, bob dylan and Jimmy Page… Just to have a chance to play with them before they die!
You are playing already some songs of your new album “Submarine” which will be released in 2010 – in which way does it differ from the album “Violence Is Golden”? Or does it actually differ?
Its got a different name and the songs on it are also different. There are also many other differences but the first two are so massive its not worth listing the rest!
Salvation is one of the new songs – what is it about?
Its about the power of healing and Salvation coming from unexpected and surprising places.
How did the procedure of writing changed compared to “Violence Is Golden”?
We write more as a band now. From recording jams and using bits and pieces from all the band members the music has become more Scanners and less individual.
How did you production of the new album happen? Where, how long, under which circumstances?
The album is a combination of Demos that we recorded ourselves and tracks we rerecorded with Stephen Hague. Most of the basic production work was done by us and Stephen helped us finish off the production and arrangements. Then we mixed the album down in his shed near the sea at Rye in the UK. It was great working with someone with such experience and such an amazing track record.
Your songs/lyrics seem to have always a dark side – where does this come from?
The dark side is from the inside! Everyone has a dark side, some try to fight it and deny its existence. I believe you have to accept your nature as a human being and everyday try to not let it take control. Thats one of the things I love about Johnny Cash and his Fulsome prison days – he is honest about his nature, and that is what makes his songs survive.
You are allready preparing to do a third album – how far are you in the idea of how it sounds, what can you tell us about it?
Its gonna be good!
What are you as a band/musician doing at the moment?
Watching TV. Just got back off tour and were having a day off before we play a gig in Portsmouth tomorrow.
3 top albums 2009?
Why?, TVOTR (the new one) and Arctic monkeys
3 top albums of the last decade?
Why?, Return to cookie mountain (TVOTR), In rainbows (Radiohead)
What is on your rider?
Food! Dark rum! Beer, coke and Limes
What do you associate with Bedroomdisco?
Smoking in bed
Who did fill out this questionnaire?
Mat Scanners

Thanks Mat, we hope to be able to listen to your new songs as soon as possible 🙂

Die erste Single von “Submarine” heißt “Salvation” und gibt es schon bei Youtube im Don Diablo Dub-Remix zu hören – viel Spaß damit!



Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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