Alexi Murdoch lebt unter anderem ganz zurückgezogen an der West Küste Schottlands. Da ist es doch umso schöner, dass seine Musik uns trotzdem hier erreicht und unser Herz erwärmen kann. Der Singer-und Songwriter feierte 2006 mit der Veröffentlichung seines Debütalbums „Time Without Consequence“ großen kommerziellen Erfolg. Viele  Film-und Fernsehproduktionen zum Beispiel O.C. California, Prison Break oder Garden State bedienten sich seiner Musik. Verständlich, denn Alexis Songs besitzen unglaublich viel Charisma- sanfte Gitarreklänge, die wunderbar mit seiner warmen, vollen Stimme harmonieren. Musikalisches Herzblut, das da wieder mal vergossen wird. Und damit dieses auch bald bei Euch fließt könnt ihr Alexi jetzt im Bedroomdisco Interview näher kennenlernen! Viel Spaß!


1.) Band facts

– Name: Alexi
– Residence: Scotland
– Current album: Time Without Consequence and Towards the Sun (new EP)

2.) Questionnaire:

– What did you want to become as a kid?
How did you start making music?
In the garden with my brother and a drum
– How did you produce your first release „Four Songs“?
First thing I ever recorded. In a friend’s garage studio in Los Angeles. Such a cliché, I know.
– How would you describe your musical style?
To the point I hope.
– Which musical influences do you have?
Off the top of my head, Bach, Chopin, Debussy, Mozart, Schubert, T.S Eliot, Virgina Woolf, Robert Johnson, Woody Guthrie, Camus, Dylan, Plath, Hughes, Pink Floyd, Lightning Hopkins, Kerouac, Joyce, Nabokov, Kosinski, Bukowski, Bellow, Hesse, Ravi Shankar, Satyajit Ray, Ingmar Bergman, Tarkovsky, Herzog, Tagore, Ghandi, Marx, Jesus, Batman, Bambi, Coltrane, Monk, Parker, Davis and so on and so forth…
– Your songs are often featured in films or TV shows – how come?
They’re good for selling pharmaceuticals
– You were also involved in the Sam Mendes movie „Away We Go“ – how did it come to this?
John Krasinski played him the album I think. Sam liked it and gave me a call.
– Had you also been in contact with Sam Mendes – if yes which demand did he have?
He asked if I would watch the film and see how I felt about the music in it. And he wondered if I had some new songs he could hear.
– Were you writing especially for the movie? How did you do this?
No I didn’t write for the film. But a couple of new songs from the next EP were used.
– How do you normally write songs (in which situation/mood)?
Alone. Very late at night usually.
– What themes/situations do trigger your interest, bring you to write lyrics?
– Your new CD „Towards the Sun“ is released through your homepage as a limited Edition/Release – what are the reasons for that?
I went on tour in the States earlier this year and the music was ready. I didn’t want to have to wait for the official release next year to be able to have people hear it…so we had a stamp made, got some cardboard sleeves, printed up five thousand and got on the bus.
– „Towards the Sun“ is also one of our favourite songs – could you tell how it was done, what it is about and if there is a story behind it?
Thanks a lot for that. The song, like all the others on the EP, was tape recorded in a few hours one night at a small studio in Vancouver last year. It was a really fine moment.
– 3 top albums 2009? Why?
Don’t get me wrong for saying this, but I have no idea.
– What did you learn 2009?

Shit! same answer as above…
– Your best personal experience in 2009?
We still have three weeks to go! Ask me in 2010
– Your plans for 2010?
A lot of writing, recording a new album…and a little musical travelling around Europe I hope
– What?s on your rider?
Water that isn’t bottled by the Coca Cola company.
– What do you associate with Bedroomdisco?
The toy record player I got when I was five.
– Who did fill out this questionnaire?
Is that an existential question?

Thanks Alexi for answering our questions! 🙂

Und nach dem Lesen gibt es jetzt was auf die Öhrchen. Alexi Murdoch mit „All My Days“ live auf einem Konzert in New York 2007:
