The Hidden Cameras – Interview

Joel Gibb ist der Kopf des kanadischen Bandkollektivs The Hidden Cameras. Kollektiv trifft den Nagel auf den Kopf, denn es kann sein, dass The Hidden Cameras bei einem Konzert zu siebt auf der Bühne stehen, am nächsten Tag zu 20. Als schrille, artyhafte und provokative Queer-Indiepopgruppe  begannen die Hidden Cameras, auf ihren Konzerten ging es heiß her mit animierenden Gogotänzern und Tänzerinnen, in den Texten der ersten Alben wurden homosexuelle Sexpraktiken bis ins Detail thematisiert. Das aktuelle Album Origin: Orphan wirkt dagegen fast gemäßigt mit seinen orchestralen Klängen und luftigen Indiegitarren. Aber trotzdem nicht minder abwechslungsreich und vielschichtig! Die musikalischen Zügel hat weiterhin in der Hand: Joel Gibb! Viel Spaß mit dem Hidden Cameras Interview in der Bedroomdisco!

1) Band Facts

– Name: The Hidden Cameras
– Band members + nicknames: Joel Gibb, John Power, Jon Hynes, Laura Barrett, Shaun Brodie, Jens Schärdel, Jamie McCarthy, Ivan Turkalj ect…..
– Founding year: 2000
– Residence: Toronto, Berlin, London, Munich, Vienna
– Current album: Origin:Orphan

2.) Questionnaire:

– What is the story behind your band name? What meaning has it for you?
Just thought of the name one day before I had formed any band. I was reading Foucault’s „Discipline and punishment“ at the time.
– How would you describe your musical style?
Music with guitars, keyboards and orchestral instruments with lots of singing.
– Which musical influences do you have?
Too many to recount
– „Origin: Orphan“ is your fifth album. If you compare it to your previous albums, what is the main difference?
It is our 4th studio album actually. The main difference is how I recorded it. IT was recorded in many different studios over many different years. The result is a much more diverse sounding album.
– How and where was it done?
It was done mostly with Don Kerr in Toronto, but I also worked with Sebastian Lee Phillip in Berlin and also mixed the record with Sebastian Mueller in Berlin.
– How do you normally work on songs?
There is no normal wat to work on a song, it is usually notated by words in a notebook.
– In an interview you once said, your first albums were at least in their lyrics totally gay, a music journalist called your whole music Gay-Folk-Church. Would you classify „Origin: Orphan“ still like that?
– What´s the story behind the album name „ Origin: Orphan“ and how does it reflect its musical content?
It has no specific meaning and I would not like to try to explain how it reflects the music, That is for you to do.
– What are the overall lyrical themes of „Origin: Orphan“? Why?
This is for you to discover. I cannot say why the themes are what they are….
– Our favourite track of the album is „In The NA“ – how did the song come into existence, what is it about?
Thought of the hook while walking down Reichenbergerstr. In Berlin, it is about meaning itself. NA is like a variable, like x, y, or z.
– You are living in Berlin at the moment. What are your favourite places there, places where you probably got inspirations from?
See above, also parks and clubs.
– If you are not making music, what are you doing?
Making art or films.
– What are your further plans for 2010?
Not sure yet, we go on a big European tour in the spring and then I am not sure.
– Which are your 3 favourite records? Why?
Scott Walker – Scott 4
Mary Margaret O’Hara – Miss America
D.A.F. – Alles ist gut
Great music
– Which song makes you always dance, no matter in which situation you are?
Something R&B
– How would your personal Bedroomdisco look like?
Good lighting and a bar in the corner.
– Who did fill out this questionnaire?

Thanks Joel Gibb for answering our questions!

The Hidden Cameras –  In The Na
