MY EVIL TWIN – Interview

Noch langer Abneigung versöhnen wir uns langsam mit dem Mainstream-affinen Pop-Genre – was aber auch kein Wunder ist, bei solchen Perlen, wie sie in letzter Zeit von Bands wie den Chew Lips oder eben auch von My Evil Twin (hier gibt es unsere Kritik) aus Kopenhagen veröffentlich wurden. Hinter letzterem Projekt steht in erster Linie Frontfrau und Sängerin Cecilie Enevold Nielsen – die uns für ein kleines Interview Rede und Antwort stand, wollten wir doch mehr über ihr Debüt „The Slow Escape„, die Produktion eben dessen und ihre Anfänge wissen.

1.) Band facts

Name: My Evil Twin
Residence: Copenhagen
Current album: The Slow Escape

2.) Questionnaire:

– When did you start making music? What was your impulse?
When I was about 15 years old I learned 2 chords on the guitar and made a song. I’ve never been the kind of musician who rehearse scales and technique, my drive is composing, making melodies and often in a very simple way.

– What was the first occasion for you to write a song?
It was at terrible song with 2 chords. I remember me and my friends were hanging out in my room at my parents house playing guitar, singing and smoking cigarettes. Later on we made a girlband and that was the beginning.

– How do you normally work on a song?
I always start with a round of chords or a hook, either on the guitar or on keyboard, then a melody or a theme, and then build the song from that. I save the lyrics for last, it always takes me ages to do. The music comes much easier to me than the lyrics.

– What are you doing when you are not doing music?
I work parttime in a youthclub for handicapped people. Besides music I love to paint and draw pictures. The front cover on the CD is a painting I made a few years back.

– On your Myspace-page it’s says that the music is made by Cecilie Enevold Nielsen and that the songs are produced by Lasse Lyngbo – how would you describe the way you work together?
Before My Evil Twin I played in a band called Lupus, and Lasse helped us with some recordings. I really like his sound and understanding for music, and when Lupus split up I made some demos in my homestudio and I sent Lasse some of them. He mixed and produced a couple of songs. We found some people to play with us live, and went to the studio to make the record.

– How did you first get in contact with the music business as a artist?
I played in a band called Lupus for 6 years, we made an album and played lots of concerts, actually in Germany too, that was a great tour, a lot of Danish bands tour in Germany, and love it. The German audience is cool.

– How would you describe your album „The Slow Escape“?
It’s an indiepopalbum with uptempo songs and slow songs, common for all of them is my love for lots of vocalharmonies and melodic themes on keyboard. The lyrics are often about love that went wrong.

– Could you tell a bit how it was done, where, what the difficulties were for you?
The album was recorded in two really nice studios in Copenhagen, Black Tornado and Sauna Studio. Actually the album started out as an EP with 5 songs, a year later we recorded 6 more songs. Being in the studio is the best times ever with lots of ideas and good vibes all over the place. I’m very grateful to all the muscians who helped record the album. One thing I found difficult was to choose which songs should end up at the album to make it balanced.

– „Leave The Crime Scene“ is one of our favorite Songs – can you describe how it came to existence, what it is about and what the story behind it is?
I adore The Cure and I think „Leave The Crime Scene“ is one of the songs where it shows. The song started out with a beat I have on my old Casio – keyboard. I like the combination of a dark atmosphere and a a very fast beat.

– Which newcomer band/artist from denmark would you advise us to look up?
There are so many brilliant bands in Denmark at the moment, Vinnie Who is one of them.

– What are your three all time favorite albums? Why?
Blonde Redhead – Misery Is A Butterfly, it’s simply beautiful, strong and fragile at the same time, It still moves me everytime I listen to it.

The Cure – Boys Don’t Cry, because of the excellent songs „Jumping someone Else’s Train“ and „Killing An Arab“ I’m a big fan of the early Cure albums.

New order – Get Ready, an album with fantastic songs from start till end.

– What was your best personal experience in 2010 up to now?
I have worked on the album for a long time and when it came out in March, it felt really good. Another cool thing is that we’re playing at this years Roskilde Festival.

– What are your further plans for 2010?
Rehearsing for the gig at Roskilde and a tour in autumn and making new songs.

– How would your „Bedroomdisco“ look like?
There would definitely be a dance floor with light in it, wallpaper with mountain landscapes, dim light and loads of red and green cocktails.

– What song would fit to your situation/mood at the moment?
My Favorite T with The Lemonheads due to what I’m wearing.

– What song makes you dance independent of the situation?
I always dance when „Move Your Feet“ by Junior Senior is playing

– Who did fill out this questionnaire?
Cecilie Enevold Nielsen


Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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