NORMAN PALM – Album im Stream

Der Berliner Tagesspiegel betitelte seine Songs als “kleine Lieder über große Gefühle“, berichtet über seine “spartanisch” schönen Sätze und auch Spex scheint ihn zu mögen: Norman Palm! Seit einer Woche gibt es sein neues Album “Shore to Shore” via City Slang in den Läden – und ja es ist wirklich sehr schön geworden! Doch lassen wir lassen wir den Berliner Musiker selbst ein paar Worte darüber verlieren:

The album is called «Shore to Shore», it contains 10 songs which makes it about 40 minutes long. It comes with a great esoteric cover image designed by Anna and Katariina from Paris and the CD will be neon yellow.

The good thing is that there is already one song you can listen to. It’s called Landslide and you’ll find a stream and a download along with some information here:

I am very happy about finishing the new album, trust me: It was a lot of work. Not only for me but also for Janne Lounatvuori, who has produced this album with me and has tirelessly worked on it. We’ll have a drink or two the day it comes out and later we’ll probably go on tour and play the new songs for you.

I’ll hope you’ll like the record and I very much hope to see you at one of the shows.”

Wer sich selbst ein Bild davon machen will kann sich bei uns das komplette Album im Stream anhören!

Norman Palm – Shore to Shore by Norman Palm


Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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