I AM IN LOVE – Interview

I Am In Love – als Bandname schon ganz interessant. Wer oder was da verliebt ist wollten wir nach dem Hören des sehr, sehr tollen Debütalbums ‚Of Regard and Affection‚ der Band aus Leicestershire (wer kennt es nicht?), erfahren – und siehe da: Hier ist das Bedroomdisco Interview! Darin gibt es die volle Packung Bandgeschichte, Geschichten zum Debütalbum und was es sonst noch alles zu sagen gibt – viel Spaß damit!

1.) Band facts

Name: I Am In Love
Founding year: 2010
Members: Sebastian, Martin, Mason, Edmund, Nicci
Residence: Leicestershire
Current album: Of Regard and Affection

2.) Questionnaire:

How did you start making music – had you been forced to play an instrument somehow or was it in your own interest?
I think we all started because we all have a natural urge to play some sort of instrument. I always would sing around the house when I was younger. Nicci learnt Viola, Ed believe it or not learnt guitar (he can’t play a thing on guitar anymore though!) and Martin and Mason saw their idols playing on t.v and wanted to be like them.

Do you remember the first song you’ve ever written? In what situation/with what motivation did you write it? What was it about?
I wrote a song called ‘baby where are you’ when I was 13. It was terrible. We needed a song for a competition at school.

What are your musical influences?
Anything that’s powerful really. I’m really into Friendly Fires, Bloc Party, Everything Everything, Clock Opera. We all have a love for the synth sounds of the 80s – Prince, Soft Cell, OMD.

How did you meet, how did you decide to make music together?
Me, Ed and Martin have been in bands together for about 4 years. We met Nicci and Mason a couple of years ago but only formed I am in Love in December 2010.

In which situation did you come up with the name ‚I Am In Love‘ and what meaning has it for you?
It doesn’t really have a literal meaning. Saw it written down somewhere and thought it sounded good and suited the music.

– In which situations/in which mood are you normally inspired to write lyrics for your songs?
I write lyrics in bed most of the time. I normally just start by jotting words down then begin piecing them together until they make sense.

Could you tell a bit about the production process of your record ‚ Of Redard And Affection‘? Where and how long was the production taking place, what was the best/what the worst moment during the time? What is the most told anecdote from the time?
We were writing and recording at the same time, which was difficult. It took us only 3-4 months to do this. We recorded the album in our home town with a guy called Paul Wong. He’s a real genius. Most told anecdote? Double-neck ukulele.

We read that you shortly after becoming a band already were recording the album – what did this mean for the process of writing songs and for the production? For which reasons didn’t you take more time?
Well we had a couple of songs ready and our German label wanted to hear more and put an album out in May/June so we had to work fast. I think pushing yourself like that can often be a good thing and I think it was a good thing in this instance. We could have had more time, but we are happy with how it sounds.

‚Call Me An Animal‘ is one of our favorite songs from the new album – can you tell us what it is about, how it was done and if there is a story behind it?
It’s just about how people turn in to animals when they lust for someone. I think it basically tells the tale of being on the prowl as it were at a night club.

What are you doing if your not making music?
Watching and listening to music. Music is everything.

What did you learn in 2010?
Get on with it, don’t fuck about and don’t give up.

What were your three favorite records of 2011 up to now? Why?
Smother by Wild Beasts, Pala by Friendly Fires and The English Riviera by Metronomy. All very unique and amazing vocals.

Which british newcomer band would you advice us to look up? Why?
Hot Horizons – great band from our home town.

You’ve just toured Germany for some gigs – what did you see/what did you like most?
Loved the continental breakfasts! Really loved Berlin and seeing all the sights. Leipzig is a very nice town too and because of our label connections their, almost feels like home!

What are your next plans?
Festivals around the UK and recording some new demos. Hopefully we will have some European tour dates for the Autumn to announce soon too!

Which song would fit to your actual situation?
One of our songs? Not sure really. Probably London, as we’re thinking of moving there soon. It’s where all the magic happens.

What song makes you dance everytime?
Paris by Friendly Fires.

How would your „Bedroomdisco“ look like?
Bright Red

Who did fill out the questionnaire?

I am in love – I want you by i am in love


Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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