EROL ALKAN – Interview

Der englische DJ, Produzent, Labelinhaber und Tastemaker der internationalen Indie-Elektroszene Erol Alkan hat ja kürzlich einen neuen Bugged Out! Mix veröffentlicht. (Unsere ausführliche Kritik dazu, siehe HIER). Trends oder der Mainstream beeindrucken den Londoner bis heute wenig bis gar nicht und so ist er auch einer der standhaften Liebhaber der Liaison von Indie und elektronischen Klängen. Die Doppel-CD mit dem genauen Titel ‚Another Bugged Out Mix & Bugged In Selection‘ besteht aus zwei Hälften, der erste Mix ist für den Club, zum Ausgehen, der zweite Mix ist für die After Hour gedacht, und daher etwas ruhiger. Und wie der Zufall es so will, haben wir Erol Alkan höchstpersönlich ein paar Fragen zu seiner neuen Compilation stellen dürfen. Erol Alkan im Bedroomdisco Interview! 

1.) Band facts

– Name: Erol Alkan
– Residence: London
– Current album: Another Bugged Out Mix & Bugged In Selection

2.) Questionnaire:

It is the second time after seven years that you do a mix for ‚Bugged Out!‘. How would you describe the overall concept of your new ‚Bugged Out‘ Mix?

The reason I created another Bugged Out! Mix was that I felt there was a lot of  good new music as well as a lot of old records or forgotten records which were fusing together in a way which felt like something exciting or something different or something which pointed to the future. I had been asked to make a Bugged Out! CD before this but the reason I didn´t do it at that point was because I didn´t feel that what I could put together would be something that was embodying the spirit of what I want to capture inside of dance music or club music at this moment.

The sound of the mix seems mainly influenced by the 80s. What is your connection to this time? What´s fascinating you? Why?

I don´t really think it does sound very 80s but I can see what you mean because there is probably an odd towards chicago house and maybe kind of cut-ups or mid-80s production. I suppose from going out from the 80s I don´t have a fondness for that era, but the one thing I like about 80s dance production was that it was very futurist. Something I will always be fascinated with it might be a reason as simple as the fact that I grew up through it or that it is an era thats still quite loved and still quite fresh.

Which criteria has a track to fulfill to become part of your mix?

It´s more about tracks working well together rather than having tracks which all have the same criteria. I went trough my record collection and maybe pulled out between 60 or 70 records that I would have liked to have part in a mix. Sometimes it´s as simple as finding records which you want to just introduce to people rather than maybe big records that people know already or a succesful record or even classics. I feel that every record on his own is a special record on this album.

Is there a track in the compilation you have a special connection with? Why? 

Yes there is a few actually. I have a very strong connection with my remix of Connan Mockasin purely because it is something I have been involved with, something great. I really love the Jan Hammer Record on the start of my Bugged In! Mix. That is a record I have been in love with for a while.

Is there a difference for you preparing a DJ-set or putting together a mix/compilation for a record? Why/Why not?

Yes absolutely, there is a huge difference. When you make a mix CD, you want to put something together that is gonna sound great in years to come. When you got to DJ, it is really about the moment, to excite people and to entertain people through music at a given time. So, these are two very different things.

How does your private record collection look like. Do you still buy cds/vinyls or are you more and more collecting mp3s? Which medium do you prefer and why?

My record collection is very very big. I buy cds/vinyls all the time, every week and I actually collect mp3s just for the very nature of them being mp3s. I download Mp3s everyday so I don´t make a contrast decision to collect mp3s. I prefer vinyl the best because I feel as a format it embodies a spirit and a soul which you can´t get with cds or digital format.

When did you record your first mixtape? What was the reason?

The first mixtape I ever recorded was probably about when I was nine or ten years old, so I count that as a mixtape. Why I recorded it was because there was records coming on radio that  I loved and wanted to hear again. And the only way to make that work was to record them. So I used to sit by the radio waiting for certain songs to come on and when they would come on I would record them on tape. And  I would make a little sleeve from and I put them on my shelf. Up to know I have still hundreds of these tapes somewhere.

What are you doing if you are not producing/remixing/selecting music?

Not much else I am afraid as I am doing this day to day. There isn´t any other kind of hobbies although I am far more getting into design at the moment so I am maybe doing more design related projects.

What are your Top 3 Records of 2012 up to now? Why?

1. Babe Terror – Knights EP on Phantasy which I released, I really love that record, it is straight forward

2. Jai Paul –  Jasmine, which is on the Bugged In! CD, it is one of my favourite records of the last few years

3. Matthew Dear – Beams, that is brilliant!

What are your next plans? Any concrete ideas?

Yes there are more releases on the label Phantasy, I am producing more music at the moment, there are a few special events coming up which I am really excited about. So there is not much left of the year I guess 😉

Thanks Erol Alkan for the Interview and keep up doing such great work! 

Jai Paul – Jasmine
