ELIAS – Interview

Der schwedische Newcomer Elias ist das nordische Pop-Versprechen für 2016, wird landaus/landein schon hoch und runter gestreamt, verbindet auf seinen Singles düstere Beats, mit tiefsinnigen Lyrics und schlägt dabei eine Brücke von Elektro zu Pop, zu R’n’B, zu Miike Snow, zu Kwabs – inklusive Major-Label-Deal! Grund genug dem 19-jährigen Schweden mal auf den Zahn zu fühlen und zum Interview zu bitten!

Bands To Watch In 2016 - Elias

You’re only 19 years old at the moment – when did you start making music and what was your motivation at first?
I was singing all the time while growing up, and I’ve always felt a big need of being able to express myself in some creative way, and singing and writing was my most natural way of doing that. 

What were your first steps toward doing music professionally?
I started doing BV’s behind other artists and got to know how it was to be on tour pretty early.

There are only a few songs that I was allowed to hear already – with ‚Making Me Happy‘ I had the felling that you like to mix styles and influences – is this so and which musical influences do you have?
Yes, I do. I don’t want my music to be labeled by any rools. My influences are from soul to classical music, whatever I feel like when wake up. Every morning is different then others. 

With other songs, your style seems to be a lot more concrete – ‚Down N Out‘ as example seems to be a very nicely combined soul-sample-pop-mix – can you tell us what it is about, how it was done and if there is a story behind it?
I wrote the song in the most depressive place in LA. And I got inspired by what was around me, and a bit depressed myself so I wrote about a feeling that I just had experienced. It’s about a feeling that you have when you for only a moment can forget about everything that bothers you. But at the same time you know that your just a lonely mess, that is really fucked up by this person you had in your life. 

What else can we expect from your debut record?
I’ve been trying to take the next step with my sound and songwriting. Trying to combine different sounds and cultures and make it to me.

Can you tell us a bit about the production process of your debut that will be released in may, what was the best and the worst moments during the process and what’s your most told anecdote from the making?
What I’ve really experienced is that when you think a song is finished, its not. Cause there are so many new things and ways you wanna take your music during the period your writing. But at the same time you just have to let the song go at some point.

What inspires you to write lyrics? Is there a special place you tend to write songs at?
Just basic stuff. Things that passes me by or stuff that hurt me or other people around me. It can be anywhere, I usal get lines and different concepts in my head. 

A lot of very easy listening pop songs/albums come from Sweden. We were told that you also process a lot of political criticism in your songs, although you are very young – what things do you feel need to change or have to be criticized in the swedish system?
I think the thing is that I’m just writing about stuff that makes me feel a lot of stuff. And when I hear about things thats going on and that’s fucked up in the political system or on the streets or whatever, I just have to write about it. Mostly I write about norms and different structures that are just stupid and I don’t get, why I or other people should follow them. 

What are you doing when you’re not making music?
It depends on really, but I’m usually walking a lot when I write. Sometimes in the studio or I’m taking a walk. 

What did you learn in 2016?
To kill my darlings, it’s harder then I could’ve imagine but really necessary when an album is about to come alive. 

Which song would fit to your actual situation?
‚Needed Me‘, by Rihanna 

Which song makes you dance independent of your situation?
Some old disco song, that’s just far away from trends and that kind of stuff. 

How would your „Bedroomdisco“ look like?
Too many people jumping around in my tiny bedroom getting high and jumping on the bed. 


Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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