THE RIPTIDE MOVEMENT – etwas Besonderes

Foto-© Kevin Nolan

Flirrende Gitarrenwände, ein bestimmtes Drumming – The Riptide Movement wissen, was sie machen. Bestehend aus Malachy Tuohy (Vocals, Guitar), Gerry McGarry (Bass), John Dalton (Guitar) und Gar Byrne (Drums) hat das Quartett aus Dublin bisher vier Studioalben veröffentlicht, worunter das The RTÉ Choice Music Prize nominierte Album Getting Through 2014 gar auf Platz 1 der Charts einstieg. Am 27. September erscheint nun die neue EP der Band und heute feiert schon die neue Single Something Special, die von Tommy McLaughlin (Villagers, SOAK) produziert wurde, Premiere bei uns!

Die Band selbst sagt über den Song: „We can’t wait for you to hear our new tune ‚Something Special‘ we think you’re gonna love it, Germany has always been a great lover and supporter of great live bands and great guitar music throughout the years and we love touring Germany, we’ve released a couple of albums there in the past few years that have been really well received but this song really feels like the big one for us, we proclaim guitar music has never died, it’s alive and kicking and it’s back with Something Special, See you at a gig real soon, Big Love, TRM Lads x“


Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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