Foto-© Julia Szymik
Die norwegische Pop-Sängerin Anna of the North hat gerade erst ihr zweites Album Dream Girl veröffentlicht. Wir sprachen am Telefon mit ihr über ihr Zweitwerk, wie sie überhaupt Musikerin wurde und was es mit diesen Elfenohren auf sich hat.
Your new album is coming out soon. How are you feeling?
A bit nervous…but I’ve been writing and producing this record for almost two years. And in this time I’ve been through a lot, so I wanted to get it out.
So you’re glad then it’s finally done?
Yeah, I can move on. I needed to let it go.
What can we expect from your album Dream Girl?
Well, it’s a bit more positive than my previous record but hmm, I don’t know really what you can expect from it. Nice music? (lacht)
How is it different to Lovers?
I think I’ve grown a lot as a writer, musician and artist. This record is kind of my first solo record because I was working with this other partner. I felt more free and I didn’t have to compromise. This album is a bit schizophrenic, every song is a bit different while the first record had one aesthetic to it.

So would you say it’s more diverse?
Yeah definitely, and more organic and groove to it as well.
What is a Dream Girl for you?
Definitely not a perfect human being. A dream girl for me is someone who choses how she wants to be. This album is for myself where I can choose who and how I want to be. The album title just kind of happened. It’a more like a phantasy. In my dream world I can change the reality how I want things to be. And yeah I’m a dream girl in my dream world.
Is there a new track which is really important to you?
The track Leaning On Myself is kind of important to me because I didn’t know what I was writing. The words just came to me. And when I listened back to it it hit me really hard. It’s just my personal anthem whenever I feel insecure and start doubting myself. Then I tell myself, you can do this. I think it’s very important in a world where everyone thinks others have everything but actually they’re kind of lonely. When you look at Instagram for example, you think those people have everything but that’s often not the case.
Would you say relationships are your main inspiration for writing songs?
Yeah, definitely but not only relationships that are between two lovers. Family, friends. That’s what life is about, talking to people, interacting with them. And how you act differently in different situations with different people. Lovers is the breakup album and Dreamgirl is more the moving on album. You are trying to be positive and make the best out of it.
You left Norway to go to Australia before you started your project Anna of the North. How did this happen? Why Melbourne?
I was working in a store in Norway and this older lady came in from time to time. She talked about how she travelled the world and asked what I was doing with my life. She was very interested in me as a person and believed I had to get out and find my talent. Yeah, and so I decided to leave Oslo and I went to Melbourne by myself. I was going to study graphic design. I’ve always loved music and my dad is a musician. He bought the equipment for me. When I was in Australia first I didn’t have friends and I found a lot of comfort in music, and then I met Brady with whom I did the first record. And yeah, here I am. I would love to meet this lady again, it’s weird how she kind of predicted it. It’s a weird story. I am very lucky I can do this everyday.
What does travelling mean to you? Do you still enjoy it since you fly around the world now constantly?
I love travelling, I get to see the world and explore new places. Of course, living out of a bag is sometimes difficult and it’s hard to have routines. And that’s what I love about home. You can still see everything but always return to one place. I think I will stay in Olso for a long time.
You also had several collaborations like Tyler, the Creator, G-Eazy or Chainsmokers. Do you have a favorite?
I was really fascinated by Tyler, the Creator, he is super talented but of course G-Eazy is also very cool as well, as the Chainsmokers.
Is there an artist you want to work with in the future?
I would like to work with The Japanese House and Kendrick Lamar.
You probably heard comparisons to other scandinavian female pop artists. Is it annoying?
Now, it’s fine, this is what happens. The most important thing is that I stop comparing myself to other people. I just try to do what I want to do.
What do you think is the reason why pop music is so huge in Norway or Sweden?
I think there is a kind of aesthetic here, people love the design for example. Some are very obsessed about Scandinavia and what people are doing here. Sweden was always the big capital of music but it’s a bit shifting to Norway. There are many talented people here.
I always like the artwork of your singles like with the animals for Lovers or now the portraits of you with a background in different colours. What’s the idea behind it? Is there a leitmotif?
Yeah, it is a strategy, but not a big one (lacht).
What’s up with the elf ears?
It belongs to the concept of Dream Girl. Something which is just very different and makes you kind of a rebel. And yeah, I’m very fascinated by elves and that, for a moment you are in a different world.