Foto © Sequoia Ziff
Es ist keine Überraschung, dass wir große Fans von Blanco White sind. Das Projekt von Gitarrist, Sänger und Songwriter Josh Edwards berührt uns seit dem erscheinen der ersten Songs. Am heutigen Freitag erscheint nun Samara. Neben Desert Days, On The Other Side und Papillon ist es der vierte Track aus dem neuen Album On The Other Side. Dieses erscheint am 5. Juni 202 und ist schon jetzt eins der heißerwarteten Alben des Jahres.
Zum Track erklärt Josh: „‚Samara‘ is a track inspired by Somalian music from the 70s and 80s. A friend introduced me to some of the bands from that era, and I was really blown away by what I heard. Many of the recordings have only re-surfaced in the last few years. Whilst writing my forthcoming album, I was listening to those bands a lot (including Dur-Dur Band, Iftiin Band, 4 Mars). They definitely made me want to be more adventurous with rhythm. I ended up writing more songs for the album with the bass guitar as the gateway instrument instead of guitar or keys. In the final recording of ‚Samara‘, the lead guitar was played by Cameron Potts from the band Superego, who tours with me. His playing style left a big mark on the track.“
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