Foto-© Bardha Krasniqi

Wenn zwei Musiker aufeinander treffen, liegt es nah, dass Musik entsteht. Obwohl das die natürlichste Sache auf der Welt ist, flippen wir jedes Mal aus, wenn eine neue Kollaboration angekündigt wird. Bei Tom Misch und Yussef Dayes war es genauso. Dass ihr Album What Kinda Music von uns alle Daumen nach oben bekommt, kann man hier noch mal nachlesen. Doch wir bei Bedroomdisco wollten mehr als nur eine Review und stellten den beiden Herren ein paar Fragen. Auch wenn die beiden an dem Tag etwas wortkarg waren, können wir uns jetzt besser vorstellen, wie es im Studio wohl zuging…

I first heard about Yussef in my interview with Celeste. How did you two (Tom and Yussef) meet?
Tom: We met properly at my Geography album launch party.

How can I imagine the recording process? Was it like Tom sitting at his computer or synthesizer and Yussef was on the drums?
Tom: I spent most of my time in the producer’s seat recording synths, guitars, bass, vocals etc. where Yussef was often on drums or a synth.
Yussef: There were different stages. Playing and recording together plus getting Rocco Palladino in the studio too. Live jamming, recording the jam and then producing it. Both playing synths, Tom on guitar, me on drum. No rules.

Would you say that you combined your musical styles or rather tried to create something new?
Tom: I think it’s a true collaboration of comprise and resolve. I think our styles together is something new.
Yussef: The aim is always to create something new and try to find a new sound.

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I read that even your parents became friends. When you go on tour together, do you want to bring your fans together? Like Nokia with their slogan „connecting people“
Tom: Yes of course, but for me I want to expose people to some real musicality and hopefully draw in people who wouldn’t normally listen to our styles.
Yussef: Yeah, it’s important that whatever different places we all come from and our backgrounds that make sure we’re all in the same space together and enjoy the moments instead of creating divisions or bad vibes.

What do you think about social issues like climate change finding their way into music?
Tom: I think art can be a strong catalyst for the change of culture and tradition. If people can give off good messages in their music without sounding preachy then that’s amazing.
Yussef: The earth is the soul for all of us and it’s important that we cherish that and connect with it.
As a musician that travels a lot you and gets the travel the world, it’s important to keep mindful. Moving forward in the future we might have to be more particular with the touring that we do and not be too excessive. Becoming more self-sufficient. I grew up in a very self-sufficient house and it’s my dream to continue that legacy.

Do you have a tip for „social distancing“?
Tom: Meet up with your mates virtually and check up on them.
Yussef: Just keep yourself to yourselves, this is a short amount of time in the space of our lifetimes. Don’t put pressure on yourselves but maybe with this time we’ve been given to spend time at home this is a time to get creative and create some art. Whatever it might be that you always wanted to do, this could be a good time to do that and in the long run it could be beneficial.

What’s your favorite song and album at the moment?
Tom: Tame Impala – Apocalypse Dreams
Yussef: Miles Davis – Kind of Blue – Flamenco Sketches.

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