There’s a new Prince in town…und er serviert Folk- und Indie-Rock! Die Sprache ist hier von Jordan Prince, dem US-amerikanischen Wahl-Münchner, der zuletzt mit seinem 2018er Album 12 Songs for 12 Friends eine Ode an zwölf Menschen veröffentlichte, die sein Leben verändert haben. Sein neues Album Simple Swimmer, das im Januar 2021 via Pop-Up Records erscheinen wird, konzentriert sich nun auf verschiedene Klangfarben und das Überraschungsmoment, um die eher dunklen Seiten seiner Persönlichkeit zu betonen. So sollte man sich zum Beispiel auch nicht von den süchtig machenden Popmelodien der ersten Single The Crooked Rail täuschen lassen, denn unter der Maske seines neuen, Festival-reifen Indie-Rocks erscheinen Geschichten für die einsamen Lügner, die ihre Geister nicht ganz loslassen können. Das Video zum Song feiert heute bei uns Premiere und Jordan hat uns passend dazu einige Hintergründe zum Song geliefert:
– What the song is about:
Much like the persona that most of us present on social media, the real person behind the filters is very different from the one we see. The song is bright, shiny, and catchy, but the text tells the story of someone hiding from their own depression. We all wear masks (not just protective ones), and to keep our reputations where we want, we hide from our truth. Sometimes, we simply don’t feel so good.
– How the song came to be:
I wrote this song in 2017, and it sounded completely different from how it does on this record. I was heavily inspired at that time by Father John Misty, and was trying to tap into a vibe similar to that of „Chateau Lobby #4.“ It wasn’t until two years later that I really understood what the song means to me, and then the structure changed into what you hear now.
– The story behind the song:
I think I’ve always had depressive tendencies, and I do tend to hide that side of myself from most of the people I’ve known. I wound often find myself getting exhausted when I would go to some party or event and I would plaster on smile after smile and drag myself through conversations when I really just didn’t feel right and should have stayed home. I felt fake, and I feel fake and empty every time I do that. It’s just human nature, to want to be friendly like that, but it’s not honest. Of course I don’t always feel that way but it does recur.
Another aspect of the song is about how lonely it can be to move abroad. When I came to Germany in 2015, for a long time I didn’t have any friends, and I had left New Orleans behind me where I had a very rich and close-knit community of loving and reliable relationships. I had to start from scratch. I’m thankful for that time now because I learned a lot about myself and have now built another community here, and perhaps I needed some growing up. So that’s the essence of the song…hiding these feelings from others.