Foto-© Universal Music
Und wo wir gerade zur heutigen Veröffentlichung ihrer Debüt-EP die britische Songwriterin Holly Humberstone vorgestellt haben, wollen wir auch noch die australische Newcomerin Azure Ryder nicht unerwähnt lassen. Ihre EP Running With The Wolves erschien schon im März als perfekter Einstieg in die Welt der Newcomerin – zuletzt erschien mit Petty Isn’t Pretty ein weiterer neuer Song der unweit von Sydney in einer Großfamilie aufgewachsenen Künstlerin. Passend dazu hat sie uns in unserer about the song-Reihe ausführlich über die Hintergründe und Entstehungsgeschichte des Songs aus dem Nähkästchen geplaudert:
I feel like for the longest time we have been told that bad is just bad, a wound appears, it may fade but the pain will remain in its memory. But what if the bad could take on a second life for good, what if it transformed into something beautiful, that memory now becoming how we overcame the pain, how we took it and cuddled it, if we just gave the darkness as much love as we do the light ,it could be more than what they long told us, and finally when we let the two worlds collide, we create stars in the night sky.
I wrote Petty Isn’t Pretty midway through last year with my rainbow magic producer Chris Collins and the sweet as honey Isabella Kearney-Nurse. I had just come back to Australia for a little while to sort out my Visa for living in London, the 3 week trip turned into 2 months due to a long process of mix ups and mistakes at the Visa office. It was an intense time but I am a big believer in things happening how they are meant too, the universe held me on the ground for a reason, because if I hadn’t had stayed in Sydney longer then I wouldn’t have written this song that deeply weaves into an important time that made me who I am.
My experience with growing up was filled with a lot more broken hearts than full ones, my friends were found in nature’s arms, as I struggled to find them in people. The hurtful words and experiences were a constant reminder on my heart that I didn’t belong. This had me feeling lesser than everyone, not realising that the darkness I felt meant that I could actually rise above them, instead of feeding into their pain, I could allow myself to be unapologetically crazy with the light. So, when I was returning home mid last year I was filled with these mixed emotions of dread for stepping back into a space where I wasn’t ever accepted but also confident in this new light I had grown to know in my time away. While everything and everyone around me had remained the same as when I left, I had grown into welcoming who I am. The streets were familiar but the way I now walked amongst it was different, this new acceptance came from giving equal love for the dark like we undoubtedly do the light.
We can’t control someone else’s words and actions, but we can control our own and how we let them enter our hearts and rest on our skin. So, I hope that Petty Isn’t Pretty can be the support you may need to remember that even though someone’s intention was to leave you damaged, I choose, and you can choose to turn it into something beautiful.