Foto-© Jonathan Roensch
Die US-amerikanische Songwriterin Kate Bollinger hat sich in den letzten Jahren einen Namen für ihre smarten, wie melodischen Indie-Pop-Songs, die sich aus Versatzstücken von Pop, Folk, R&B und Jazz zusammensetzen, gemacht. Doch wenn sie selbst auf ihre EP I Don’t Wanna Lose (2019) zurückschaut, sieht sie sich in ihr noch nicht dort angekommen, wo sie musikalisch hinstrebt, überwog zur Zeit der Aufnahme doch einfach die Freude darüber, überhaupt ihre Songs aufnehmen zu können. Bei ihrer heute via House Arrest erschienenen neuen EP A Word Becomes A Sound sieht sie sich da schon weiter, auch wenn die Aufnahmen inmitten der Corona-Pandemie unter erschwerten Umständen fertig gestellt werden mussten. Zum heutigen Release hat uns die Newcomerin ein Track by Track geschrieben, in dem ihr noch mehr über die Songs und die Entstehung erfahrt! Wir empfehlen auf jeden Fall dieses Talent, das gerade schon häufig mit Maggie Rogers verglichen wird, auf dem Radar zu behalten…
A Couple Things
I wrote this song three years ago during a really uncertain time. It is the oldest of the songs on this EP and the only song that was recorded completely live in the studio with a full band. I love this song because I think it will mean something to me forever. I sing it differently today than I did three years ago, but the meaning feels the same to me as it did then.

Grey Skies
My producer, John Trainum showed me this beat and I immediately loved it and wrote to it. We had what was essentially a finished loop with a vocal part, but we fleshed it out further with my band and added a B part. I think Grey Skies and A Couple Things are both central songs to the project, they exist at opposite ends and all of the other songs fall somewhere in the middle.

Feel Like Doing Nothing
This song was really exciting to make. It began as a beat of John’s, but Chris Lewis (guitarist), John, and I sort of went in and reconstructed it. We took out the main synth sound, added guitars, and added grand piano. This song was the most pieced together and rearranged of all the songs, which gives it a different feel.

A word becomes a sound
This song began as a guitar part John had written. I wrote to it, taught it to the band, and recorded it in the studio with them, adding more instruments and effects after the fact. I mostly write based on my own experiences, but this song was inspired by Vladimir Nabokov’s short story Terror, which is a story about dissociation.

Queen to Nobody
Queen to Nobody is the newest song on this EP. I wrote it during the pandemic, when I was back living in my childhood home again with my mom. I was flooded with a lot of old feelings and felt that my writing at the time reflected my being back home. I think this song might be the sweetest one on the EP!