Foto-Credit © Bergstrvm
Cassia haben wir mit ihrem rhythmischen und mitreißenden Indie-Klängen nicht erst seit ihrem Debütalbum Replica aus dem letzten Jahr auf dem Zettel. Cassia gehören nämlich zu diesen jungen, aufregenden UK-Bands, die vor allem live begeistern und sich durch unermüdliches Touren ihre Fanbase erspielen. Mit Don’t Make A Scene legen die Boys nun nach und liefern so etwas wie einen verspäteten, kleinen Sommerhit, der das Lebensgefühl zwischen Aufbruch und ständigem Druck einer ganzen Generation beschreibt. Doch anstatt in musikalische Melancholie zu verfallen, gießen Cassia ihre Gedanken in gewohnt melodischen Indie-Pop. Sänger und Gitarrist Rob Ellis hat sich für uns die Zeit genommen, ausführlich über die Hintergründe und Entstehungsgeschichte des Songs aus dem Nähkästchen zu plaudern. Viel Spaß mit about the song.
I wrote ‘Don’t Make A Scene’ last year during a 4 day break in between festivals. I think it must’ve come as a natural response to all the touring we were doing back then and how it is so easy to get caught up just doing what you’re doing leaving no time to actually reflecting on any of it. It felt a bit like functioning on autopilot. I feel like its also about a feeling of pressure when it comes to choosing what you want to do with your life and that if you have found a way to strive for your actual passion, then you’ve figured it all out. Also leaving behind that social pressure. If you’re happy doing what you’re doing, that should be the only thing that matters.
We’ve been told that the title Don’t Make a Scene fits so well into the English stereotype and its actually so true. Coming back to the UK after being in Berlin for a long time its funny to see how it alludes to that whole thing also.
Whilst filming the Don’t Make a Scene video we had to decide who would have to take that unfortunate leap into the cold and probably not very clean Berlin Spree water. Since I had to ride the donkey in our last video and Jake had to wear a quite revealing kImono in Do Right, we thought it was only fair for Lou to step things up. He didn’t get ill so there’s nothing to feel guilty about I guess.