Matt Ryder erzählt über Mescaline Smoke: „This song is again heavily inspired by party culture in teenage years, if people take it too far the lines can blur and it will begin to affect everyday life, I saw this first hand. These kids would feel terrible about themselves and when it came to a party would just lose themselves in the night, I thought it was so sick but never experienced it myself.”
“I found myself constantly being dragged into situations that I didn’t want to be in. Kids trying to live the whole night like it was a f*cking movie as if no one else existed. It came to a point where I would remove myself from these situations and then found myself dragged into other bad scenarios. The grass isn’t always greener type of energy lol. I realised I didn’t really fit into the normal two groups of teenagers and tbf I was fine with that I still had an amazing time and found people the same as me. From this position I could see people fall into all sorts of holes and I felt as if this song was an observation rather than personal experience. It doesn’t always have to be in a party environment, alcohol, drugs, phones all this shit leaks into people’s lives and locks them out from natural life. If you don’t feel like you can handle it don’t do it.”