WOLF & MOON – Inspiration

Seit einiger Zeit treibt das Pärchen Wolf & Moon ihr musikalisches Unwesen als stetig unterwegs und tourendes Folk-Pop-Duo. Für den Nachfolger zu ihrem Debüt Before It Gets Dark aus 2019 haben sie sich entschieden sesshafter zu werden, haben ein Haus gebaut und sind dabei persönlich gewachsen. Sie sind ein Stück erwachsener geworden, wählerischer, aber auch spontaner, was sich auch im Produktionsprozess von Follow The Signs widerspiegelt. Die Band nahm einen Song pro Tag auf, was dem Album eine kühne Note verleiht. Entstanden ist ein lebender Organismus, der sich live auf Tour weiterentwickeln wird – denn allzu sesshaft werden Stefany und Dennis wohl nie werden! Viel zu sehr stehen die beiden für Abenteuer, für menschliches Potential und Freiheit, und zwar mit jeder Faser ihres Seins. In unserer Inspiration-Reihe präsentieren uns das Paar die Alben, die sie zuletzt am meisten in ihrem Schaffen beeinflusst haben!

Big Thief – Masterpiece

Dennis discovered Big Thief one morning when he was reading Pitchfork during his morning routine. Some people meditate in the morning. Dennis likes to read music articles. Capacity came out in 2017. We went back in her discography and also discovered her debut called Masterpiece and fell in love with the band. What we love about their sound and songs is the rawness. Everything sounds so honest and pure. She is sharing her heart really openly and not trying to pretend. You believe every word she says. When U.F.O.F came out in 2019 we listend to it on our long tours and it was even better than the earlier albums. 

Also her just released solo record Adrianne Lenker songs felt like a step up again. But the rawness and pureness remains with all of her work. We can’t say that our new record would be just as raw and pure as Big Thief’s. But their sound track definitely accompanied us during the making process of this album. We’d actually love to know if anyone can hear that? So please let us know 🙂


Feist – Pleasure 

We have been long time Feist fans. Even before Dennis and I met, each one of us had his own relationship with her records. It was a very long wait from her last album till Pleasure came out in 2017. 

This was the first release of Feist that we experienced together. In 2016 I had visited a music studio in Paris where Feist had been recording and mixing parts of that record. So we new something was coming and we couldn’t wait for it to drop. There are many things we love about Feist. Her melodies and way of singing have always been an inspiration for me. We also like her vintage vocal sound that she is creating with sending her vocals through an amplifier. I always wanted to try that out, so I asked our producer to put my vocals through an amp as well. Of course you don’t want to steel someones signature sound, but at least I really enjoyed playing around with it. In the end a few amp-vocals made it on to the record – but only in the dubs to give the vocals some sort of texture which made the perfect balance for us.


Beach House – 7

They inspired us in the dreamy world they create with the way they stack their layers. This album has been a really good road trip sound track for us. With all the folky music we like it’s kind of representing the counter part to it. The guitar sound in combination with the synth base and drum computer is something you’ll also find on our record.
I guess also their sho-gaze vibe has made it’s way on our album on songs like Speak To Me.


Radiohead – In Rainbows

Long Term inspiration for Dennis comes from a band he is often going “back” to is Radiohead. How this band reinvents their sound with each album but also still have this distinct sound and chord progression. In Rainbows is one of our favourites because of how absolutely beautiful the songs and the recording is on this album. Songs like Reckoner cut right through the soul and are really inspiring. Since Kid A they also are masters of blending in Electronic beats/sounds with more acoustic instruments, this is something that we draw inspiration from as well as an endless source of great chords and guitar sounds. 


The War on Drugs – Lost In The Dream

The War on Drugs has a special place in our hearts (especially for Dennis) because it is the album he was listening too when we met. Songs like Red Eyes brings him right back to the early days and beginnings of our relationship. The drums patterns that The War on Drugs, who where heavily inspired by Bruce Springsteen, often use, this uptempo sound is something that helped us write songs like While We Ride and A Tape Called Life. 


Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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