Foto-© Stefy Pocket
Greentea Peng hat heute Geburtstag und spendiert uns zur Feier des Tages ihre neue Single Spells! Bereits in der Zeit ihrer Debüt EP SENSI geschrieben, hat der Song einen vom Jazz beeinflussten Beat, eingerahmt von den honigsüßen Vocals der Sängerin. Diese beschreibt ihre neue Single wie folgt: „On a lighter note, to end the year I release spells AKA beg friend. Written around SENSI times, I guess this one explores the idea of tribalism and the want / illusion or desire to please everyone, thus gain acceptance. The process of travelling through that and coming out of the other end rather comfortable in yourself. As someone who has struggled as a yute with wanting to ‘fit in’ this was kind of a final purge of that stage in my ego development. But also its about the idea of casting spells with negative language and behaviours we adopt and use about/ towards our peers. Words are vibrations at the end of the day and it’s called S P E L L I N G for a reason.”
Derzeit arbeitet Greentea Peng an ihrem Debütalbum, das in 2021 erscheinen soll – man wird also noch viel von dieser spannenden Newcomerin hören in den nächsten Monaten!
Greentea Peng live:
07.04.21 Kantine am Berghain, Berlin