Foto-© Kamila K Stanley
Ihre erste EP Park enthielt lauter kleine funkelte Indie-Pop Entwürfe, die man immer wieder hören wollte und einen mit ihrem einnehmenden Charme in ihren Bann zog. Bei den Supports von Oh Wonder und mit ihrem Auftritt beim Golden Leaves Festival in 2017 war es dann vollständig um uns geschehen – wir waren Fans! Fans von Laurel, der britischen Newcomerin mit der gefühlvollen Stimme und der Vintage-Wärme in ihrem Gitarrenspiel, die auch mit ihrem Debüt Dogviolet durchweg überzeugen konnte. Mit ihrer neuen EP Petrol Bloom, die gestern erschienen ist, wagte Laurel aber ein neues musikalisches Finetuning, verbunden mit einigen persönlichen Veränderungen. Sie zog nach Amerika, um neue Inspiration zu finden. Sie verliebte sich und fand Menschen, denen sie vertraute, um gemeinsam an ihrer Musik zu arbeiten. Petrol Bloom befasst sich immer noch mit den gleichen großen Themen wie Liebe, Verlust und Überleben. Allerdings kehrt die mittlerweile 26-jährige mit einer veränderten Perspektive und einem kraftvollen, neuen Sound zurück. Ein Klang, der die neue Laurel widerspiegelt: die Glücklichere, Entschlossenere und die Hals über Kopf Verliebte! Wir haben eben diese für ihre neue EP zum Track by Track gebeten!
1. Scream Drive Faster
This song is about distracting yourself from your emotions by leading a life of adrenaline and quick thrills. I was inspired by a condition I saw in a movie where after an amount of emotional trauma a person was unable to feel anything. So he took part in dangerous activities to try and feel something again.

2. Best I Ever Had
This was the first we wrote for the EP. It’s about summer love in the city. Quite literally finding the Best you’ve ever had and falling quite quickly into loving. It also explores the feeling of coming on too strong and knowing it could be freaking the other person out but not being able to help it. This song shaped the rest of the EP quite significantly. It was a real fluke as Me and Chrome Sparks wrote it after bumping into each other on the street it was not an intentional writing session.

3. Appetite
I wrote this after arriving in New York last winter. I always have so many song ideas when in new places. Thats why I like moving around so much. It keeps things fresh. I took it with me to LA the following week and its the first track me and Chrome Sparks wrote in his new studio after moving there. Inspired by the sun & the west coast.

4. When You’re Walking Away
This one is about wanting someone more when they say no to you, when you feel you’ve lost them. It’s that sense that you want something so much more when you can’t have it. I spent a lot of my teens and twenties living like this. Always in a state of wanting something else. The grass is always greener.

5. Sometimes
This is about somebody close to me who passed away last year. Since he did I often feel like I see him on the train, in a bar, hear him over the street, and even feel him nearby. The song shares my story of loss whilst not being able to fully come to terms with the fact that you have lost. Its nice to still feel their energy near by and sometimes you’re not quite ready to let go of it yet.