Sarah Walk hält mit ihrer Meinung nicht hinterm Berg und stellt sich direkt und offen gegen das Patriarchat und institutionalisierte Männerdomäne – oder wie die amerikanische Songwriterin und Alumni des renommierten Berklee College (unter anderem waren dort auch St.Vincent & Melissa Etheridge) ihr Zweitwerk Another Me, das im vergangenen Jahr erschienen ist, beschrieben hat: „I wanted to make a point early on with this record that there is a lot that women feel and experience outside of what exists in their romantic relationships.“ So handelt das von Leo Abrahams (Regina Spektor, Belle and Selbastian, Pulp) produzierte Album von Herausforderungen mit denen Frauen alltäglich konfrontiert werden – Thematiken, die sich letztlich natürlich auch auf ihr Songwriting auswirken: „Many of which deal with burdens that I’ve carried or felt responsible for, which I believe has a lot to do with being a women and being queer.“
So viel zur Vergangenheit – denn heute veröffentlicht Walk ein Cover zum Prince-Original und Sinéad O’Connor Welthit Nothing Compares 2 U, dem sie einen komplett neuen Anstrich und im Video gar auch einen neuen, hoch aktuellen Kontext gibt: Denn das Video mit Arne Gjelten in der Hauptrolle thematisiert die Problematik der Alkoholsucht in Zeiten der Einsamkeit aufgrund von Covid-19. Walk sagt darüber: “For this Nothing Compares 2 U music video, I wanted to find a way to re-frame the song to give it a new life and meaning. It’s always been interpreted as a song about a romantic relationship, but when I was listening to the lyrics, I was really struck by the opening line ‚it’s been 7 hours and 13 days‘ – a lyric that suggests each passing hour is a feat and triumph. This made me think about sobriety and the struggles of temptation and addiction, resistance and possibility. I thought this was an important story to tell, particularly now, when so many people are struggling with mental health challenges from isolation and lack of adequate resources due to covid19. I wanted to zoom in on one moment of resilience that may have otherwise gone unseen.“
Weiter sagt sie: „We shot this video at night throughout Los Angeles and I was fortunate to have an incredible team pull together to make it possible. Arne Gjelten, who played the lead, is such an incredible actor who was completely committed to the character and bringing out his dynamic emotional experience. Kyle Smolic, (DP) had the idea of rigging the camera to the outside of the car to get that horizontal shot of Arne in the rear-view mirror and the side of the car. We had Arne drive around rather aimlessly to get into character as we all followed behind him in our own cars. The director, Daniel Smith Coleman, was hunched over in the backseat of the car while he drove, and we also got a few shots with the camera in the back and in the passenger seat. I was so mesmerized by Arne’s ability to show so much emotional versatility just in his facial expression, and his commitment to the character throughout the entire night.”