Foto-© Jonathan Kise
2019 veröffentlichte die norwegische Newcomerin Marie Ulven, alias girl in red, ihre vorherigen EPs zusammengefasst als Album Beginnings – in rund zwei Wochen erscheint nun endlich das offizielle Debütalbum if i could make it go quiet am 30. April. Entstanden ist es in kompletter Songwriting-Autonomie von girl in red, die das Album gemeinsam mit Matias Tellez auch co-produzierte. Über ihr Album hat sie bereits verraten:„if i could make it go quiet is an attempt to learn what it’s like to be human; to deal with the scariest parts of myself; to live with the pain of knowing I’m only flesh and bones; to be angry, broken and unforgiving yet still able to wear my heart on my sleeve; i’m shedding light on the darkest parts of my mind and I’m letting everyone in; if i could make it go quiet is me simply trying to understand what the fuck is going on.“
Nun erscheint die neue Single daraus – You Stupid Bitch, über die Marie sagt: „There’s this line from this movie I love, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, that goes ‘we accept the love we think we deserve.’ It’s a very heart-breaking line, but it’s really what I was experiencing in this situation, where I was always there for this person who would get their heart broken, and I would just come running. I would drop everything just to be there for them. That person would never see me as anything else than just a friend, even though I feel like I could’ve made her so happy… The core essence of this track is like, I’m obviously here for you, and I want to be with you, but you keep messing around with other people, and you keep getting broken. It’s this really direct, straight forward track.”