Foto-© Dan Kenny
Als 13-Jährige trafen sich Robert Keating, Elijah Hewson, Ryan McMahon und Josh Jenkins im Kunstunterricht in ihrer Dubliner Schule, um schnell anstelle von an Kunstwerken, an einem gemeinsamen Band-Projekt zu arbeiten. Der Weg führte die Herren über ausgiebiges Proben an Cover-Versionen von Songs ihrer Lieblingsbands wie Joy Division, The Strokes, Kings of Leon oder Depeche Mode schnell zu eigenen Songs – heute sind sie nun selbst eine der heißesten Rock-Bands und zeigen, dass auch breitbeiniger Rock in 2021 noch zeitgemäß klingen und richtig Bock machen kann! Was es über die Songs ihres Debütalbums It Won’t Always Be Like This alles zu erfahren gibt, erzählt uns die Band einfach selbst, in Form des Track by Tracks zum heutigen Release!
1. It Won’t Always Be Like This
So the first track on the album is the title track ‘It Won’t Always Be Like This’. It was one of the first songs that we wrote together as a band and we released it first probably two or three years ago now and when the pandemic happened the song kind of took on a whole new meaning for itself. So we thought it only seemed suitable I suppose to name the album after it and also we just thought it was a really great title from the very beginning really.

2. My Honest Face
So the next track on the album is ‘My Honest Face’. That song was kind of, first song that kind of put us out there maybe a little bit as a band. Kinda released it on our first ever proper tour with a band called Touts back in March 2019 or was it May? It was May. So we were on tour with a band Fuzzy Sun and I remember it came and started getting loads of playlists and loads of radios were playing it and it was just kind of a great moment for us as a band and it’s always, we always play it last because it’s always the most intense part of the gig and yeah we just love that song and its big part of us as a band.

3. Slide Out The Window
So the third song is a song called ‘Slide Out The Window’, which was created during lockdown and wouldn’t have made it onto the album if it wasn’t for the pandemic so there’s one good thing. But we’re very proud of it and it kinda shows a different side of our music. I guess it’s a little more experimental and maybe kinda shows what’s to come in the future for our band. Yeah, I think it just contrasts nicely to the first two tracks. At a gig especially I think it’s going to be really good, hoping it’ll be people’s favourites.

4. Cheer Up Baby
The fourth track on the album ‘Cheer Up Baby’. Probably one of our favourite singles and it’s a song that we’ve played at nearly every single show we’ve done and when I say nearly I pretty much mean nearly. I think there’s only one or two shows where we haven’t played that song. It’s always held a special place in our hearts and the people we’ve worked with have always gravitated towards that song as their favourite so we’re excited for the rest of the world to hear it and hopefully love it too.

5. A Night On The Floor
The fifth track on the album is a song called ‘A Night On The Floor’. I supposed a lot of our fans will recognise that title from the gigs that we used to play. There’s one that we came up with I think in March of 2019 and we ended up playing it at pretty much every one of our shows. It’s one of our favourites to play live as a band. It went through so many different changes in the studio, we rerecorded it loads of times, I suppose it has aspects of politically influenced lyrics on there. It’s one of my favourites on the album for sure and most importantly it’s my dad’s favourite on the album so I think everyone needs to give it a spin and a listen.

6. My King Will Be Kind
So the opening track of side B on our debut album is a track called ‘My King Will Be Kind’. Kind of a special song for us I guess, there’s some explicit lyrics there, I guess. Yeah, I think for us, it’s always a really special moment in the set when we play this one because everyone sings along to it. It’s a bit of ballady type song isn’t it lads? Yep, tells a story exactly. Yeah, kind of acoustic, slower, change of pace. Still a stomper. Still a stomper though and I get to play a nice guitar part at the end, that’s satisfying to play. Love that one.

7. When It Breaks
Coming in at number 7 on It Wont Always Be Like This by Inhaler soon to be the biggest album on the planet. Pinocchio. Is ‘When It Breaks’. Which was, I mean we say we wrote half the album in lockdown; we did but this was definitely the one that sums up lockdown life for us. It’s kind of our only song that we kind of made a little bit of a statement in terms of talking about the times and not being as vague and loving and escapism as we usually do. Yeah we just thought that it was a rough couple of months in so many different ways and we couldn’t help but talk about it through our music but it more asks questions than kind of tells you what to do which we like about it. And yeah it was a really fun song to do and it’s gonna be really good live. It’s got a lot of pace and we always feel a bit like The Strokes when we play it which is never a bad thing.

8. Who’s Your Money On? (Plastic House)
Track 8 is ‘Who’s Your Money On? (Plastic House)’. It was the last track we did on the album. And I think it was the hardest one to finish and get our heads around because merging 2 songs together isn’t as easy as we thought it was gonna be. But it worked in the end and we’re very happy that it did because it’s one of our favourite moments on the album because it shows the duality of Inhaler, and Inhaler’s sounds and the feeling you can get listening to Inhaler. Definitely one of our favourites and close to our hearts.

9. Totally
The next track is a song called “Totally”. I think this song might be my favourite on the album, but my favourite changes every day really. It’s a really sweet song and can’t wait for people to hear this one, I can’t wait to perform this one live. It makes you feel really good, but it can also make you feel a little bit sad in some places and stuff and in terms of writing and recording the album during lockdown this was one of the earliest ones that we started working on I think the demo, dates back to late 2019 or something. But only really started coming to life during the first lockdown, there were a lot of zoom calls that took place to try and write this song which was as awkward as it sounds. But given that it was a bit of an awkward time to write and record it turned out to be one of our favourites on the record for sure and yeah it’s again banging.

10. Strange Time To Be Alive
Track 10 on the album is a track called ‘Strange Time To Be Alive’. Not the longest, however, it kinda acts like a really great set-up to the end of the album and it was started by our man Bobby Skeetz over here. We wrote a song called ‘What A Strange Time To Be Alive’ and we brought it into the studio we knew it was great, we wanted to put it on the album somehow and I can’t remember how it came about but we decided to make it kinda interludey, psychedelic, beautiful sounding thing and I think it’s really great to have a moment on the album where you get a bit of silence before the loud outro. Calm before the storm. Calm before the storm exactly there you go. So yeah that’s a really really special one and I think a lot of people are gonna like that.

11. In My Sleep
The album closer is a song you shouldn’t listen to in your sleep but it’s called “In My Sleep”. And if you were to try and listen to it in your sleep you wouldn’t be asleep for very long. It’s definitely our biggest rock song on the album. I think we just kinda felt there was a stage during the process of writing the song where we were just like yeah this is turning into a kind of Thin Lizzy approach big rock song to end an album and we welcome that with open arms. Feels a bit like a welcome home to us in a sense because it reminds us if you were to see the album as kind of like a full gig kinda reminds us of coming off tour. Kind of got elements of Ireland in it. We used an uilleann pipe which is an Irish instrument. We also just have some nice guitar lines that make you feel like you’re running the fields in Wicklow or something. But yeah we’re very proud of this song and we love it to bits. Please listen to our album.