Foto-© Catie Laffoon
Nach über 16 Jahren, acht Alben und Hunderten von Shows ist die Musik immer noch das Gegenmittel allen Übels für Joshua Radin. Der in L.A. lebende Künstler findet Heilung und Kraft zwischen Wellen akustischer Eloquenz und ausgemachten Americana-Storytelling – und das seit heute auch auf dem mittlerweile neunten Album! Denn heute ist The Ghost And The Wall via Nettwerk Music erschienen, das für Radin einen weiteren Schritt im Kreise einer Katharsis darstellt, die mit gleichgesinnten, aufgeschlossenen Herzen geteilt werden soll. Für uns hat der Songwriter ein Track by Track zum Album geschrieben!
1. Goodbye
This song is about getting close to someone but then feeling scared to take your walls down. Making myself vulnerable in my personal life is something I struggle with.

2. Fewer Ghosts
This song is about self love, alienation, and learning how to look at yourself in the mirror without feeling ashamed. It’s about being a late bloomer.

3. Better Life
This song is one I write about an immigrant coming to this country and seeing the Statue of Liberty for the first time.

4. Make it Easy
This song is about the fact that I get so frustrated sometimes when it comes to finding the right woman. I love the chase but I also despise it. And sometimes I wish she’d just help me out and take the lead.

5. Hey You
This song is about those times when you need to get out of a relationship and you have this feeling like you just want to hop in a car with the next person who comes along, and go. Not always the best move, and I’ve found that being alone for a while helps tremendously. Nevertheless, this feeling of needing to jump from one relationship straight into the next is something I felt while writing this tune.

6. I’ll Be Your Friend
I wrote this for a family going through a horrible time during this pandemic. I just wanted to let them know that I was there for them and they could count on my love and support.

7. You’re My Home
This song is about past love. Sometimes I daydream about certain women from my past writing me and telling me that they’d like me to come save them from their current situations and trying again to be together.

8. Not Today
I wrote this one day at the beginning of the pandemic when we were all on lock down in quarantine. I’ve always loved songs that sound really upbeat but are juxtaposed with dark lyrical content. This may sound like a song that’s saying “good times are coming around” but by starting the choruses with words like “still we say”, I was feeling like the world was crumbling around us and we naively were saying to ourselves, “it’s all going to be ok”.

9. Till The Morning
I wrote this about that feeling when you find someone again, and become close again, and are hoping that the magical night you just spent together won’t end when the sun comes up in the morning.

10. Next to Me
I wrote this about being alone most of the time, wondering if I’ve made that choice and it’s been a mistake. Sometimes creative people need so much space from others that they find themselves alone too much of the time.