JOESEF – zuletzt war es heftig

Foto-© Alex Waespi

Der Plan des schottischen Shootingstars Joesef war Ende 2020 mit dem Umzug nach London dem zweiten Lockdown, einem Ex und der damit verbundenen Erinnerung an die Beziehung zu entfliehen, er war entschlossen seinen „Horizont zu erweitern“, musikalisch und emotional, und verbrachte die meiste Zeit des letzten Jahres in The Dairy in Brixton, wo er mit dem Produzenten Barney Lister (Joy Crookes, Celeste) arbeitete. Das Ergebnis kann sich mittlerweile auch sehen lassen, erscheint doch nun zur neuen, ersten 2022er-Single It’s Been A Little Heavy Lately das offizielle Video!

Über den neuen Song sagt Joesef selbst: “I wrote It’s Been A Little Heavy Lately about how I tend to make bad decisions when I’m down, and to be more specific it was giving into the advances of someone I’d been with previously, while they were in a new relationship. I wanted the song to feel like a bad trip, there’s a lot of different textures; the tempos are higher, and the drums are slightly swung. It also features a sample from the film Totally Fucked Up by Gregg Araki: the stories he tells, and how he portrays them visually inspire me every day, and fit the context of the song so well, I had to write to him for the sample clearance and he said yes which was fucking mind blowing to me, he’s a hero of mine.”

Über das Video fügt er hinzu: “It was important for me to try create this visual world that the new music could live in and continue to grow with each release, I originally wanted a one-shot car scene that would end at a party, but Luis the director fleshed out the idea setting it as a prequel to the ‘Comedown’ video. The film tells the story of a sort of overlapping relationship/love triangle, through present day and flashbacks. I wanted it to feel as dark as Trainspotting, but as colourful and subtle as a wong kar wai film. The team who helped pull it off were incredible and we had such a fucking laugh making it, Luis is one of the best directors doing it, its rare that you get to actualise an image of what you wanted in your head, but this video is exactly that for me.“

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Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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