Foto-© Matilda Hill-Jenkins
Die Band Porridge Radio gehört seit dem 2020er Album Every Bad zu unseren absoluten Lieblingen der britischen Alternative-Szene – umso größer war dementsprechend die Vorfreude als das Quartett um die Frontfrau Dana Margolin zuletzt den Nachfolger Waterslide, Diving Board, Ladder To The Sky für den 20. Mai bei Secretly Canadian ankündigte. Und heute gibt es nach der ersten Single Back To The Radio den nächsten Vorboten The Rip, sowie ein Video, das erneut von Danas Schwester Ella Margolin in Szene gesetzt wurde, und neue Winter-Tour-Termine als Wiedergutmachung für die zuletzt abgesagte Tour!
Über den neuen Song sagt Dana: “The Rip was the last song to be finished for the album, and we finished it about a week before we went into the studio to record it in March 2021. We wanted it to sound like massive pop, like Charli XCX, but with the instrumentation of bands like Slothrust or Deftones. It took the longest a song has ever taken me to write lyrics for, and they took form over a few years. At the beginning it was a song about a power dynamic where I was in control, by the end it was about one where I had none.“ Weiter ergänzt sie: “My friends always accuse me of making up idioms and using them like they are well known phrases and I think this song is full of those. I love the idea of something being sick at the seams, like it’s disintegrating from its core. I like things that are so simple they are universal. I wanted it to sound like when your heart breaks so badly that your entire body aches. I wanted it to feel like your soul is dropping out of your body.”
Porridge Radio Tour:
13.11.22 Köln, Club Volta
08.12.22 München, Feierwerk
12.12.22 Berlin, Festsaal Kreuzberg
16.12.22 Hamburg, Hafenklang